Monday, March 8, 2010

3 Months and 1 week old.

Allie is now weighing in around 17-18 pounds. She goes to the doctor at the end of the month and we'll get an official weight and length then. I'm fairly certain she'll be off the charts because she's already wearing her 6-9 month clothes!

She sleeps really well at night - usually falling asleep around 7pm and only waking once for a feeding. She also takes 2-3 naps during the day. I've found that a rested baby makes for a happy baby (and mother!).

She's holding onto things now. She'll grab onto a toy, a blanket, your clothes, Mommy's hair... She's even begun rolling her shoulders over, but just can't seem to move the bottom half. She can push herself all the way up on her arms and bears a good amount of weight on her legs.

She's become much more social in the past month. She smiles often and laughs. She seems to be ticklish too. She'll watch someone walk through a room and sometimes she'll squeal for attention. Lately, she's been playing with her voice - humming, cooing, screaming as loud as she can in an extremely high pitch, saying "Roxy stop barking I'm trying to sleep". Ok, maybe not that last one, but we all know she's thinking it.

It seems every week she's learning something new. I can't wait to see what next week brings!

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