Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1st Valentines Day!

Allie was dressed in pink and red hearts for Valentines Day (an outfit that she got from James and Kim in Houston) and she's holding a card that she got from her cousin, Katie. She's also holding a piglet that she got from her Aunt Tracy when she was born.

In the past week, she's begun to grab onto things. Mostly her own clothes or a blanket. She is also showing more interest in different toys other than Violet. Lately she's been enjoying her activity gym and her Elmo book that makes noise.

We've been trying to get her on a sleep schedule and she's been doing really well. She usually sleeps from around 8pm until 5am, then she eats and goes back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours. The naps during the day are another story... she fights hard to stay awake, but lately we've been getting in 2 or 3 good naps. Speaking of naps... sounds like she's waking from one right now! Gotta go!