Sunday, February 20, 2011

101 in 1001: Enter a contest by mail – Task Complete!

Not only did I enter a contest by mail once… I entered 6 times!  HGTVs 2011 dreamhome in Stowe, VT.  I’ve basically been obsessed with entering for the past month and a half.  I entered twice daily and Kevin entered twice daily.  And, as I said before, I entered 6 times by mail. 

Here is an explanation as to how the winner is chosen:

Each mail entry goes to warehouse and gets put in a “bin”.  Online entries get put into “virtual bins”.  Each bin has 50,000 entries and each bin is assigned a number.  They then draw a ball with a winning bin number (like for the lotto or bingo).  If the winning bin number is for a physical bin, then they dump the mail on floor, someone gets blindfolded and then sent into the mail to pick the winner.  If the winning bin number is for a virtual bin, then the computer randomly selects the winner from that bin.

Hopefully I’ve increased my odds by having virtual and physical entries.  They’ll probably pick the winner in the next couple of weeks and then ambush that person to let them know they’ve won. Hope it’s me!!!

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